Blast From The Past!
Blast From The Past!
In April of 1990, I throttled the 47' Apache "INXS"
To a second place finish behind Chuck Norris (Above)
in the "Popeyes Cat." We were comparing 1st and
2nd place trophies when this photo was taken.
Oprah, Stedman and Me
Oprah, Stedman and Me
In 1992, I was captain for Roger King, (King World Productions), and I had the privilege to meet Oprah and Stedman and take them out for the day on Roger's 47' Fountain Sport Cruiser. After some coaxing we talked Oprah into driving while I throttled. She drove 77 MPH out in the open ocean! She is a remarkable woman and Stedman is cool personified.

In this one I told Stedman to take a picture of me hugging her for the National Enquirer! She didn't punch me.
"Flapjack Racing Team"
"Flapjack Racing Team"
This is how it all started. After some amateur racing in the Chicago area, The great Howard Quam moved me to South Florida in 1979 to race with him as a professional

Racing in 1986
Racing in 1986
I throttled this 32' Cobra for the "Obsession Racing Team" for Bob Oetringer and Vance Shaf. We won Grand Haven that year and competed in Key West in the World Championships.